A Proven 6-Step System To An “Autopilot” Firm That Can Run Without You

Get the same system I used to scale and sell a 7-figure cloud accounting firm that didn’t require me to work nights or weekends

… so you can finally have the time, energy, and money to live your ideal lifestyle

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You Didn’t Think Running
A Firm Would Be This Hard…

Sure, you knew you didn’t have it ALL figured out…

But you also didn’t think it would be this difficult just to keep your head above water.

No matter how hard you try to stay afloat, it always feels like you’re behind on something.

Back when you started, you likely dreamed of laid-back workweeks…

Extended vacations throughout the year…

And the ability to take time off for your friends, family, and your hobbies.

But now, you’re working more than you ever have before…

You’re earning less…

And you spend your vacations nervously checking your email – instead of actually enjoying the moment.

But what if you didn’t have to spend nights and weekends staring at a screen?

What if you actually had energy to give to your family, friends, and hobbies?

And what if you could take as many vacations as you wanted throughout the year – without even opening your email?

The good news is that these things are possible for you.

On this page, I’m going to show you the exact 6-step system that will allow you to make it happen.

But the bad news is (… and you probably already know this):

If you keep going down the path you’re on, you’ll likely remain stuck in the same spot you’re in now – indefinitely.

Here’s why:

You’re Working
Too Hard

You’re Working
Too Hard

…no, I mean it.

After coaching hundreds of firm owners over the years, I’ve developed one 23-word question that instantly gets to the root of their problems:

“How many clients do you have, what do you charge on average per client, and what do you typically include in that price?”

9 times out of 10, they’re doing too much work…

For too many clients…

And not charging enough for it.

As a result, they’re drowning in work, yet earning way too little.

But It’s Not Just That

But It’s Not Just That

Most firms work with a broad range of clients…

And they provide a broad range of services…

Which makes it impossible to standardize their work delivery.

As a result, the team must rely on the firm owner and partners to finalize and approve their work.

… which makes the firm owner the bottleneck …

And causes them to have to work nights and weekends just to keep work flowing out the door.

And To Make Things Even Worse:

And To Make Things Even Worse:

This problem intensifies as the firm scales.

As more clients come in, more work must be completed (to a high standard, often on tight deadlines).

And since the firm owner is usually the one approving that work…

An increase in client revenue almost always means an increase in workload.

So as the firm grows… the bottleneck intensifies…

And the firm owner’s stress level grows with it.

This means that the thing most firm owners want – growth –
is actually the thing that makes their lifestyle worse over time.

The firm they started because they wanted more freedom actually ends up stealing any sense of freedom they could have.

Automation Doesn’t Solve The Problem

Automation Doesn’t Solve The Problem

Firms often try to solve this with automation.

But automation cannot fix a bad business model.

If you have demanding clients, bad pricing, and improper team structure with you at the bottleneck…

Automation can only lead to minor improvements, at best.

Some of the busiest firms I know also have some of the best automation.

… which proves that automation can’t be the solution.

And that if you automate a bad business model…

You will have spent thousands of dollars (and hours) going down a path that was doomed from the beginning.

… And Hiring Usually Doesn’t Work, Either

… And Hiring Usually Doesn’t Work, Either

Hiring more team members is a common “solution,” as well.

But usually, firms are hiring too late.

And since their margins are lower than they should be…

They can only afford (or attract) junior team members – whose work must be approved before it goes to clients…

… and again, the person approving that work is usually the firm owner.

Which, you guessed it, just leads to more work for the firm owner.

Unfortunately, Most Firm Owners Never Realize This

Unfortunately, Most Firm Owners Never Realize This

So they work harder and harder…

They implement new automation…

They hire more people…

And they go through all the “obvious” solutions to decrease their workload and try to get the lifestyle they want.

But they don’t realize that these “obvious” solutions are NEVER going to work…

Because they don’t solve the root of the problem.

But It’s Not Their Fault

But It’s Not Their Fault

The reason most firm owners don’t know how to solve these problems isn’t their fault.

It’s because they were trained to be accountants, not business owners.

So when they try to grow their firms, they follow the “traditional” model…

Which is flawed at the foundational level – and will almost always lead to excessive stress, overwork, and burnout.

Without realizing it, they were set up to fail from the beginning.

If What You’ve Read Sounds Familiar, Then…

I Know What You Feel Like…
Because I Was In The Exact
Same Position

Hi, I’m Ryan Lazanis, CPA.

And I started a cloud accounting firm in 2013 — back when cloud accounting was practically unheard of.

I knew the “traditional” accounting model wouldn’t work for me.

I wanted control over my schedule, my income, and my life.

… but since I was trained as an accountant, I had no idea how to run a business.

So I brought on low-profit clients…

Hired the wrong team members…

Managed them poorly…

Bounced around from shiny object to shiny object…

And wasted a ton of time and money figuring things out.

Not long after starting the firm that was supposed to give me the freedom I craved…

I was working longer hours than I ever had…

I was earning less money…

And I was more stressed than ever before.

I Knew Something Had To Change

Instead of giving up or simply accepting my fate…

I decided to do something different.

I knew that working harder would not solve the root of my problem. Because I was already working harder than I ever had in my life…

And I still wasn’t able to live the lifestyle I wanted.

So I decided to work smarter instead.

I started researching strategies that would allow me to build an “autopilot” firm that could run without me…

And actually give me the freedom I had always wanted.

I spent thousands of dollars – and hours – researching and testing different tactics that would allow me to maximize revenue while minimizing my working hours.

It wasn’t easy.

Since cloud accounting was such a new concept, there were very few people out there doing the same thing I was.

… and I was largely on my own, testing, tweaking, and refining my tactics.

But eventually…

I created a system that would keep my firm running like clockwork – without me handling any client work.

The model was so much more scalable than a typical accounting firm that I started receiving offers to buy my firm.

And when the right offer came along, I sold my firm for a hefty payout.

Because I Had Realized:

As much as I enjoyed running my firm…

My purpose in life actually wasn’t to run my own accounting firm…

It was to pave the way for other firm owners and be the support system I wished I’d had when I was struggling in my firm.

I’ve always been frustrated with our traditional, slow-moving profession and the lack of support for firm owners who wanted to do things differently…

So I created Future Firm to give them that support.

To help them create “autopilot” firms that would support their ideal lifestyle…

To help them take control of their schedule, their income, and their life…

And to finally help them get the freedom they wanted when they started their firms – without having to struggle like I did.

Here’s The “Root” Reason Most Firm Owners Are So Busy

Here’s The “Root” Reason Most Firm Owners Are So Busy

Most firm owners think they’re busy because they don’t have the right processes or automation in place.

But after coaching hundreds of firms (and initially working as a process improvement consultant for firms)…

I can tell you:

Automation and processes are NOT the main reason firm owners are so busy.

The real reason most firm owners don’t have the free time they want is because…

They are running a practice, not a business.

Their Firm Is Setup To Fail (And They Don’t Even Know It)

Their Firm Is Setup To Fail (And They Don’t Even Know It)

A “practice” typically requires the firm owner’s involvement to deliver results.

A “business” typically uses a system to deliver results.

As a basic example:

A dental office is a practice, because the dentist is involved in the day-to-day work and interacts directly with patients.

Without the dentist, the dental office does not exist.

On the other hand…

A software company is a business, because the business owner does not typically interact with customers.

And in most cases, customers have no idea who the business owner even is.

If the business owner wants to interact with customers – they can. But it’s not scalable, and it’s not even required.

So if the business owner wants to spend their time elsewhere…

They can.

This Is Why Most Firm Owners Never Get The Freedom They Want

This Is Why Most Firm Owners Never Get The Freedom They Want

If you’re running a practice – meaning that your firm requires your involvement to deliver results for clients…

You will always be tied to your firm.

Since your clients are all different…

And they receive different levels and types of services…

It’s impossible to systematize your firm…

Which means that you must always be involved to ensure clients get what they’re paying for.

Running a practice means that you, as the firm owner, are always the #1 “source of truth” for clients and team members.

Your business is set up, at the foundational level, in a way that will never allow you to extract yourself from the day-to-day work.

So The Obvious Solution Is…

So The Obvious Solution Is…

If you want an “autopilot” firm that can run without you…

Then you’ll need to build a business, not a practice.

Because when you set your firm up like a business, you implement a system that allows your team to deliver results for your clients…


Without your involvement…

Which allows you to step away from the firm and enjoy the freedom you’ve always wanted.

But Before You Can Do That, You Need To Answer This:

But Before You Can Do That, You Need To Answer This:

Are you running a practice or a business?

Can you close all your tabs at 5PM on a Friday and not open them again until

Monday at 9AM?

Can you confidently – and completely – delegate important work to your team?

Can you take 3 weeks of vacation and completely unplug – without even checking your email?

If you answered “no” to any of these things – or if you find it hard to believe I even asked…

Then you’re likely running a practice, and not a business.

Right now, taking a step back might feel impossible.

But here’s the good news:

Even if those things feel unattainable now…

When you’re running a business, instead of a practice – they’re not only possible…

They tend to just happen naturally.

And I’m going to give you a complete step-by-step system that gives you everything you need to transform your accounting practice into an accounting business.

This Is What Happens When
You Transform Your Firm From
An Exhausting Practice
Into An “Autopilot” Business:

Thanks to Future Firm Accelerate, I’m earning more than ever before, while being able to spend nights and weekends with my family.

Miller Bradford

When I started working with Ryan, I felt crushed by all the work on my plate. But now, I have a firm that can run smoothly without my involvement. It’s a night-and-day difference.

 Mike Dibernado

Future Firm has helped me double my business every year since I started while only working about 30 hours per week.

 Laura Olsen

“I have the freedom to completely disconnect from work now. I have more mental and emotional bandwidth. I’m more present. I’ve completely removed myself from client work, AND our revenue has grown from $650k/year to $1.9M/year.

 Marie Greene, CPA

We’re charging significantly more than we used to, and instead of feeling drained, we’re actually feeling energized.

 Kaashif Mallick

Future Firm Accelerate helped me double down on the life I always wanted. I now work 49% less hours, I can take a 2 week vacation without much worry, have blocked off 2 days each week for not working and I also increased my prices by 27%!

 Emily McNamara

Introducing Future Firm Accelerate:

The 6-Step System To Transform
Your Firm Into An “Autopilot”
Business That Can Run Without You

And after coaching hundreds of firms over the past few years, I started asking myself:

What are the steps that ANY firm owner can take to scale revenue WHILE slowly extracting themselves from day-to-day work at their firm?

What are the steps my students have taken to do this?

What are the steps I took to do this in my own firm?

I realized there is a specific and repeatable 6-step process that leads to a scalable firm that gives firm owners the free time they want, so they can spend more time with their family and on vacation…

A firm that is systematized and runs like clockwork — without the firm owner’s day-to-day involvement…

A firm that gives them the revenue they need to live their ideal lifestyle while funding their retirement…

And a firm that provides them the option to eventually sell if they choose.

Future Firm Accelerate exists to show you that proven, 6-step process you can follow to build a firm that gives you an amazing lifestyle.

Here’s what that process looks like:

Step 1:

Standardized Packages with Strong Margins

If you’re like most of the firm owners I work with…

You’re likely doing too much work for too little pay.

After completing this step, you’ll have the templates, scripts, and processes you need to double your prices – or more – as soon as today (yes, really)…

WHILE doing less work.

This frees up your time while keeping revenue steady… or even increasing it.

You’ll also discover how to standardize the work that you do for clients…

Which is crucial for developing the processes that allow your team to work autonomously – without your involvement.

This is the #1 key to scaling your firm’s revenue while reducing workload…

So you can stop working IN the business and start working ON the business.

Step 2:

1 to 5 High-Quality Deals Per Month

After you standardize your work delivery and dramatically increase your margins…

So that your firm brings in more revenue while doing less work…

You’re going to discover the most high-leverage marketing tactics I know of.

(This has NOTHING to do with hiring an expensive marketing agency or spending ANY money on ads.)

These are free strategies that cost you nothing and exponentially increase your likelihood of finding – and landing – ideal clients for your brand-new standardized packages.

This step, combined with your new packages, turns your firm into a machine that consistently generates leads and sells them into highly-profitable packages.

Step 3:

Overwork with
Capacity Planning

This step is going to help you regain control of your time, so that you – and your team – never have to deal with overwork or burnout again.

You won’t have to track your time… and neither will your team.

Instead, you’ll discover a simple strategy for balancing your firm’s existing commitments with the clients you want to take on…

And ensuring that you know exactly what’s on your plate at all times throughout the year…

So you never bite off more than you can chew…

And you – and your team – are always able to take nights and weekends off.

(Yes, even during tax season.)

Step 4:

A Team of A-Players

Most firms have a hard time attracting high-quality team members.

So they end up hiring people who don’t have the right skills for the position…

Or they hire someone who DOES have the skills, but is not a good culture fit.

In this step, I’ll share the secrets to attracting (and retaining) high-quality team members…

Who have both the right skills and attitude to thrive in your firm.

I’ll give you the job posting templates you should use, as well as the exact questions you should ask during your interview process.

I’ll also share the 4 major traps that most firms fall into when it comes to hiring and structuring their team.

(One of these is so pervasive in the accounting community that it’s seen as the “norm” – even though it’s one of the main causes of firm owner burnout.)

Step 5:

Easy-To-Follow Processes

Implementing streamlined processes in your firm is actually one of the LAST things we’re going to focus on.

Most firm owners jump to this way too early.

They streamline their service delivery processes before they even have a steady flow of leads to pay for those services…

Or the right team in place to perform them.

The way to ensure you get the most leverage possible from your processes is to implement them AFTER you have the other building blocks in-place.

In this step, you’ll discover simple strategies for streamlining and documenting your processes…

And you’ll discover how to do it in as little time as possible (within 30 minutes, in many cases).

Step 6:

Focused Action Toward Ideal Lifestyle

At this point, your firm will have standardized packages with strong margins in place…

You’ll have a steady flow of leads coming in every month…

You’ll have your nights and weekends back…

You’ll have a team of A-players in-place…

And you’ll have clear processes they can follow to complete their work.

Your firm will have transformed from a practice into a business. And it will be set up, at the foundational level, to give you the lifestyle you want.

… but this is where many firm owners get distracted by shiny object syndrome.

So in this step, we’ll re-focus on what you really want from your firm and make sure your decisions are keeping you on the right track…

So that you’ll finally have control of your firm, your time, and your life.

Here’s How Future Firm
Accelerate Helps You Finally
Get The Firm (And Lifestyle)
You’ve Always Wanted…

Even If Nothing Else Has Worked For You Yet

Sales, Pricing & Packaging

Get proven pricing templates and scripts to 2x your prices (or more) while cutting your workload in half with attractive systematized offers.

Streamlining Your Firm

Get the 6-step system to transform your firm into an “autopilot” business and remove yourself from day-to-day work as quickly as possible.

Team Building

Get the most effective strategies to remove yourself as the bottleneck, as well as my complete playbook for building and retaining a team of A-players.


Get my favorite tactics to generate high-quality leads in your niche – without hiring a marketing agency or spending a dime on advertising.

Built-In Accountability*

*Premium Plans Only

Join a “Progress Pod” mastermind of 5-6 firm owners with similar revenue, team size, and goals to hold each other accountable for implementing the program material.

Practice Management

Get my best high-level strategies and tactical hacks to automate your firm and build an asset you can sell one day if you choose.

And Here’s What’s
Included In The Program:

The Future Firm Accelerate Playbook

Step-by-step video lessons, scripts, frameworks, and templates that give you everything you need and make it as easy as possible to build the modern, systematized firm you’ve always wanted.

Live Monthly AMA Calls
With Ryan

Live monthly calls with me where you can ask any question about running your firm. If you can’t attend the call, just submit your question beforehand so I can answer it live, and then watch the replay

Community Forums With 750+ Members & New Posts Daily

Need help with a proposal? Want feedback on your new website? Got a unique client question? You don’t have to figure it out alone anymore. Post it in the forums and get help and support from 750+ members.

Mini Lessons To Help You Save Time, Boost Revenue, And Get More Leads

We release new playbook lessons every single month. Previous topics include: The Guide To Eliminate Meetings With Asynchronous Work, How To Delegate Client Relationships To Your Team, and Rank And Eliminate Your Worst Clients To Quickly Add Capacity.

Member Directory Map To Connect Directly With Firm Owners Like You

We have members all over the world. This map lets you see who’s near you – or in a city you’re traveling to – and view their contact info so you can connect! (It’s also a great resource for referring a client to someone in a different country, region, etc.)

Benchmarking Tool To Compare Your Firm’s
Metrics To Your Peers

Each quarter, we survey members on key metrics like compensation taken per owner/partner in the last 12 months, average monthly price charged to recurring clients, and more. View these metrics to see how your firm stacks up.

Quarterly Expert Workshops

Check out our quarterly expert workshops to get training on topics like 12 ChatGPT Prompts To Streamline Your Firm, How To Optimize For Local Search Engine Optimization, and The Optimized Employee Onboarding Process.

Monthly Marketing Packs To Get More Leads With Less Effort

Every month, you’ll get access to brand-new marketing templates designed to help you attract more leads with less effort than ever before. When you join, you’ll get instant access to our entire library of Marketing Packs – dating all the way back to January 2022.

Stress-Free Busy Season System To Eliminate Tax Season Overtime

A simple 5-step system that gives you the complete framework you need to eliminate busy season overtime once and for all – no matter how bad tax season has been for you in the past (includes video workshops and templates).

Peer-Led “Progress Pod” Groups For Extra Accountability*

*Premium Plans Only

Get matched with a group of 4-5 firm owners with similar goals, revenue, and team size, so you can hold each other accountable for implementing the material in the program and achieving your goals.

Here’s A Taste Of
What You’ll Find Inside
Future Firm Accelerate:

  • The 3-part formula from a former Google employee that forms the basis of your entire marketing efforts (Effective marketing is impossible without this)
  • How to land high-value clients even if you hate sales (I’ll give you all the scripts and templates you need to land high-value clients without ever having to “hard sell” anyone)
  • The real reason your clients buy (if you can’t help clients do this, you’ll never make the sale)
  • The subtle difference between high-value firms and low-value firms — this why some firms get paid high rates to work with high-quality clients and others get stuck charging low rates to low-quality clients
  • The 5-step high-value sales process you can use to charge the highest rates possible. I’ll show you how to package, price, and even present your services
  • The 8-step discovery call formula that helps you maximize your prices and land top-notch clients at the same time (I even walk you through hypothetical discovery call scenarios, so you know exactly how to handle these calls confidently)
  • Why so many accountants struggle with pricing — to overcome this, you’ll have to go against your natural instincts
  • How to develop frameworks and processes to help you get closer to the maximum price that a customer is willing to pay for every kind of mandate you have in your firm
  • The 4 requirements for charging high prices, and the biggest obstacle standing in your way when it comes to charging high prices
  • 4 different pricing methods you can use in your firm, PLUS which one gives you the highest profit margins
  • The 2 things you should never do when showing your prices to clients
  • Want to free up your capacity during busy season AND increase your pricing at the same time? Use this special pricing strategy
  • The tactical “Options Call” that makes clients more likely to work with you (PLUS, How to use an “escape plan” to get a prospect to say “yes”)
  • Critical clauses to include in your engagement letter to improve your chances of getting a deal signed and ensuring your firm and mandate are protected from scope creep
  • The special type of details your engagement letters should contain to help push the deal forward (yours probably don’t have this right now)
  • 6 steps to handle scope creep (PLUS an example scope creep email you can model and send to clients)
  • How to (easily) increase the prices you charge to your clients annually (including my step-by-step process to do it)
  • How to get a steady stream of thousands of visitors to your site every single month (for free)
  • Convert 40x better than Facebook or Twitter — use this non-invasive marketing strategy to nurture your online audience until they’re ready to become a client or customer
  • The 6-word marketing truism you need to know if you want to earn as much as possible from digital marketing
  • 7 tactics to grow your email marketing list (including my step-by-step process for creating an effective lead magnet)
  • The 10-step process I follow to write the Future Firm Weekly Newsletter, so you can steal it and use it to build your own successful newsletter
  • How often should you send email promotions to your clients and prospects? I’ll share the ideal ratio and format of marketing emails you should be sending
  • The 12-Step Partnership Marketing Framework you can use to get in front of large audiences to gain new subscribers and generate new business quickly
  • How to use a cheap & easy “Q&A” call marketing strategy to grow your client base
  • My step-by-step process for putting together webinars that convert attendees into clients (You’ll get my full outline and my best tips for overcoming pre-presentation jitters)
  • What should your org chart look like? I’ll show you the specific organization structure I recommend for firms from startup to 7 figures and beyond
  • The #1 reason why new employees fail – this is definitely not what you’d expect, yet it accounts for a whopping 89% of new hire failures
  • The 10-Step Recruitment Process that allows you to easily attract A-Players (including job posting templates and interview scripts)
  • The top apps that can help you deliver virtual CFO services (plus, whether they’re really necessary or not)
  • The critical questions you NEED to ask during the client discovery process to tailor your service offerings for maximum impact (and profitability)
  • How to protect your scope, time, and profits with clear service terms that leave no room for misunderstandings or disappointments
  • And much more…

What Makes Future Firm Accelerate Different From Other Programs?

Many of our students in Future Firm Accelerate have tried other coaching programs before…

But found themselves disappointed when those programs didn’t bring the results they wanted.

What makes this even worse is that…

These firm owners often spend thousands of dollars – even tens of thousands of dollars – on these programs.

So by the time they discover Future Firm Accelerate, they feel somewhat jaded about the whole “coaching” thing.

I get it.

Even as a “coach” myself, I get tired of the space sometimes.

The promises are often too big and the results often too small.

I knew I wanted to make Future Firm Accelerate different.

What you’re getting in Future Firm Accelerate is the exact same system and lessons that I used to take my online, scalable firm from scratch to sale…

In under 5 years…

To a large multinational entity.

I was one of the first to start this model and one of the first to exit. So unlike most other programs, I’ve actually walked in your shoes.

Not only that…

But I did it with very little help. And I did it from 2013 – 2018…

When the idea of a completely remote team was a radical concept…

Technology was much less advanced than it is now…

And when there was practically no one talking about how to scale an online firm.

I’ve made the journey you want to make…

And now I want to show you, step-by-step, how to do the same thing for yourself

I’m the one who created the content in Future Firm Accelerate…

And I’m the one who is active in the program, giving feedback, answering questions, and creating helpful content to help you get results.

That’s what makes Future Firm Accelerate different from other programs.

In fact, our members often find it much more valuable than the thousands they spend elsewhere.

(Note the prices have increased since then.)

Save Months – Even Years –
Of Wasted Effort.
Here’s How:

As part of your membership, you’ll also join 750+ firm owners in the Future Firm Community Forum.

The truth is:

Many of our new members overlook the importance of this. But then…

Once they see the quality of discussions in the forums…

And how engaged our members are…

They find that the forums are one of their favorite features of the program.

Because it allows them to ask questions and get answers from the community quickly.

This means you don’t have to build your firm alone anymore. You can get guidance from others who have walked the path before…

Which can save you months – or even years – of wasted effort.

And it’s not just that…

Being part of the community forums also means you’ll never have to feel stuck or lost on a problem, decision, or difficult client situation ever again.

Just take 2 minutes to post your question in the forum…

Then go about your day while our members help solve the problem for you.

I am years and years ahead of where I would be if I had to figure everything out on my own.

Tammy Hyska

Thanks to FFA, I’ve saved 2 years worth of trial and error. My sales increased 5x, I cut down my accounting workload from 99% to 30% and I finally have marketing that works. Absolute game changer. Highly, highly recommend.

Jim Miller

Having access to Ryan’s frameworks — and the Future Firm Accelerate Community — has saved me countless hours of trial-and-error

Mary Going

While Most Firm Owners
Are Stressed And Struggling, Future
Firm Accelerate Members Are
Consistently Getting Results Like This:

Our average prices have more than doubled… for the same work.

Dominic Clément

I just upgraded a client from $500/month to $3500/month. That’s what I call a good day.

Rachel Smith

…since joining the program, Check The Level has increased its revenue 20x within 5 months.

Leeroy Beeby

Are You A Good Fit For
Future Firm Accelerate?

Future Firm Accelerate Is For You If…

  1. You’re the sole owner or a partner in a firm making at least 25k/year (or forecasted to make that in its first year).
  2. You are entrepreneurial and don’t consider yourself a “typical accountant.”
  3. You want to create a modern, cutting edge firm.
  4. You want to create a better life for you, your family, and your clients.
  5. You have goals and aspirations over & above just money.
  6. You would rather not spend all your time churning out files.
  7. You are willing to put in the work to get your desired results.
  8. You have at least 10 minutes per week to dedicate to improving your business. (This will allow you to post in the forums and get the help you need.)

Future Firm Accelerate Is NOT For You If…

  1. You’re not willing to work on your firm. I can give you all the templates, scripts, and processes, but at the end of the day – it’s up to you to implement. To get the most value from this program, you must be willing to actually implement the material in the program.
  2. You want to create a traditional firm — not a modern one. I created Future Firm Accelerate to help modern firm owners create “autopilot” businesses that support their dream lifestyle. While most of the frameworks and processes in the program would work for traditional firms — that’s not who they’re designed for, and that’s not who’s in the community.
  3. You’re okay with the “status quo.” If you enjoy churning out files and working 60-hour weeks, this program isn’t right for you.

Here’s What’s Included In
Your Future Firm Accelerate

  • The 6-Step Firm Freedom System: The Fastest And Easiest Way To Build An “Autopilot” Firm That Can Run Without You (Templates And Scripts Included)
  • Future Firm Playbook — The Most Comprehensive And Detailed Guide Online For Scaling Your Firm From Scratch To 7-Figures
  • Time-Saving Quick-Win Playbooks, So You Can Finally Get The Breathing Room You Need To Make The Best Long-Term Decisions For Your Firm
  • Pre-Built Monthly Marketing Packs To Grow Your Online Presence, Audience, And Sales In Less Than 30 Minutes Per Week
  • 24×7 Access To The Future Firm Accelerate Community Forum, So You Can Get Feedback From Other Members On Whatever Challenge You’re Going Through
  • Coaching In The Future Firm Accelerate Community Forum, So You Can Get My Advice On Your Unique Situation
  • Monthly Live “Ask Me Anything” Calls Where You Can Get My Live Feedback On Any Question You Have
  • Bonus Trainings, Tools, And Resources, Like Our Stress-Free Busy Season System And ChatGPT Workshop
  • Future Firm Mobile App, So You Can Conveniently Go Through The Program Anywhere
  • Locked-In Pricing, So Your Monthly Price Will NEVER Increase After You Join
  • Cancel Anytime Directly From Your Membership Dashboard, So You’re Never Locked Into Anything

My Private Clients Used To Invest $5,000/Month For 1-On-1 Coaching With Me. But With Future Firm Accelerate, You Can Get The Same Information For A Fraction Of The Price.

Get Instant Access For $180/Month.

Get Access To Future Firm Accelerate Now

Choose The Option
That Works Best For You:



The Playbook: The Step-by-Step System + Self-Paced Lessons to Build an “Autopilot” Firm . . .
Sales, Pricing, Marketing, Hiring, Etc. Templates to Help You Implement Quickly . . .
Live Monthly AMA Calls With Ryan . . .
Community Forums With 800+ Members & New Posts Daily . . .
Feedback From Other Firm Owners and Experts In The Forums . . .
Member Directory Map To Network Directly With Firm Owners Like You . . .
Benchmarking Tool To Compare Your Firm’s Metrics To Your Peers . . .
Quarterly Expert Workshops on Trending Topics . . .
Exclusive Discounts On Popular Vendors . . .
Mobile App On-the-Go Access . . .
Locked-In Pricing . . .
30-Day Money Back Guarantee, Cancel Anytime . . .
Monthly Marketing Packs To Get More Leads With Less Effort . . .
Peer-Led “Progress Pod” Groups For Extra Support & Accountability . . .
RyanBot AI Chat Coaching . . .
1-On-1 Private Coaching (Unlimited Direct Messaging) . . .
Monthly Price (USD) $2000 $240 $180
Apply Here Join Now Join Now

Right Now, You’re Likely Running A Firm That Requires Too Much Of
Your Time…

A firm that keeps you away from your family and friends on nights, weekends, holidays, etc…

A firm that is actually STOPPING you from getting the freedom you dreamed about when you started.

And because you know that now – the path forward is really up to you.

Do you want to keep doing what you’ve been doing (and continue getting the same results)?

Or do you want to try something different and finally start giving yourself the freedom to spend nights and weekends with family…

To take more vacations to those places you’ve always wanted to go…

And to have a firm that runs like clockwork, every day, without your involvement?

The reason you ended up in this position is not your fault…

But what you do from this point forward is your responsibility.


We were taught accounting – not entrepreneurship.

That’s why I ended up in the exact same position you are now.

And when I found myself in that position, I decided to stop going down the familiar path…

And start on a new one.

Eventually, I found a method that worked for me – that gave me back my free time and allowed my firm to run without me.

And over the past 5+ years, I’ve been sharing that method with firm owners all over the world:

750+ Firm Owners Found
Themselves In The Same
Position You Are Now…

And Decided To Try A Different Path.

I immersed myself in the content as soon as I signed up less than a week ago and in that time I landed my first IDEAL client.

Adrienne Ellis

The first month in the program was incredible. Monthly revenue went up 40% and my monthly client list grew by 25%. I’m blown away at how quickly it happened. If I had known what the program would do for me, I would have joined much earlier.

Matt Cervoni

Your 3-tiered pricing template helped us close $115k of new projects in August alone.

Mike Mclenehan

This Is Your Chance
To Join Them

Odds are:

You’ve had success in your career by working very hard.

But you’re playing a different game now.

Hard work is valuable – but it will not get you the business you want.

(You know this is true if you’ve been working harder than ever before… yet still staying stuck in the same position.)

A hamster running on a hamster wheel works hard, but gets nowhere.

If you’re overworked – and you can’t seem to dig yourself out of the hole no matter how hard you try…

It’s likely because there are foundational issues with the structure of your firm.

Think About It Like This:

Right now, your firm is like a car with no wheels trying to break the land speed record.

No matter how hard you press the gas pedal…

Your car won’t be able to get you where you want to go.

So if you’re unhappy with your current workload or ability to scale…

The solution is NOT to grit your teeth and press harder on the gas pedal.

It won’t work.


The solution is to bring your car into the garage, put on some wheels, and optimize for speed.

Future Firm Accelerate helps you do that.

Now, With That Said…

If you like gritting your teeth and pressing harder on the gas pedal, that’s your choice.

But I knew that was never the lifestyle I wanted.

I wanted something that would eventually run without me. So I could spend my time actually living…

Instead of just working constantly.

If you’re like me, and you want a firm that consistently brings in revenue without your involvement…

Future Firm Accelerate Gives You The
Frameworks, Templates, And Scripts
You Need To Build An “Autopilot”
Firm That Runs Without You

And if you dive in, when you look back on your firm in 1 month…

2 months…

6 months from now…

You’ll be amazed at how much you’ve accomplished.

You’ll be working less…

You’ll be charging more…

You’ll have more time for your family and your hobbies…

You’ll finally be able to take that vacation you’ve been meaning to go on…

And while you’re there, you’ll actually be able to unplug and completely disconnect from work.

Most importantly:

You’ll feel relief that you’re finally being proactive and building the firm you deserve.

It’s simpler than you think.

If You Take Nothing Else Away From This Page, Remember This:

Working hard got you into the position you’re in now.

But as long as your firm is structured as a practice (instead of a business)…

You will likely always have to work hard to keep it running.

The solution to your problem is not to work harder…

It’s to work smarter – to transform your firm from an exhausting practice into an “autopilot” business.

The specific path you follow to do that is up to you.

Future Firm Accelerate lays that path out, step-by-step, with everything you’d need (including templates, frameworks, scripts, etc)…

But if you’d like to follow another path, that’s okay too.

Bottom line:

If you’re unhappy with the lifestyle your firm is giving you now – please do not keep doing the same thing you’ve been doing.

… because if that worked…

Don’t you think you’d have the firm you wanted by now?

And if it was possible to dig yourself out of the hole by working more…

With all the hours you’ve been working, don’t you think you would have dug yourself out by now?

If you want a firm that gives you freedom…

You will NOT get it by staying on the same path and working harder…

You get it by trying a new path and working smarter.

If You’re Ready To Take
The Fastest, Easiest Path
To A Firm That Runs
Without Your Involvement…

Join Future Firm Accelerate Now

My private clients used to invest $5,000/month for 1-on-1 coaching with me. But with Future Firm Accelerate, you can get the same information for a fraction of the price.

Get Access To Future Firm Accelerate Now

30-Day, 100% Money-Back Guarantee

Your Future Firm Accelerate membership comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee.

And you’re not locked into any sort of commitment.

So if you join the program today after reading this page…

And for any reason at all, you decide you’d like your money back…

Just let us know within your first 30 days and we’ll give you a full refund.

No questions asked.

(You can cancel your membership directly from your dashboard too with just a few clicks. So you’ll never have to go through any painful or confusing cancellation process.)

There’s One Final Question
I Want To Ask You:

What if this program actually works for you?

What if you wake up one month from now, look through your list of clients…

And realize that you’ve dramatically slashed your client workload – WHILE increasing revenue?

What if you wake up 3 months from now, open your inbox…

And realize that you’ve had multiple new leads reach out, every single week, for the last 6 weeks?

What if you wake up 6 months from now, look at your calendar…

And realize that you won’t have to work any overtime for the foreseeable future?

And what if you wake up 1 year from now, on a completely unplugged 3-week vacation to your favorite place in the world…

And realize that today was the day everything changed for your firm?

There IS a future where you can leave work early on a Friday and spend the whole weekend making memories with the most important people in your life.

There IS a future where friends and family tell you about how much healthier and happier you look – asking what’s changed over the past few months.

And there IS a future where you have the time, space, and energy to be the version of yourself that you’ve always wanted to be…

But that future only becomes reality if you step into it.

Here’s The Truth:

To me, the biggest risk you could take right now isn’t joining this program (because you’re guaranteed a full refund within the first 30 days if you don’t like it)…

The biggest risk you could take right now is NOT joining Future Firm Accelerate.

The biggest risk you could take is continuing to stay on the same path you’re on right now.

Working more than you want…

Not taking care of yourself the way you want to…

Missing out on time with family and friends…

Not having the time or energy to be the person you really want to be…

And waking up in 10 years, realizing you’ve missed out on so many once-in-a-lifetime moments you’ll never be able to get back.

If you don’t have the firm or lifestyle you want right now…

The biggest risk you could take is continuing to do the same thing and continuing to get the same disappointing result.

Whether you join Future Firm Accelerate or not, I hope you decide to try something different.

… and we’ll be here whenever you’re ready.

Get Instant Access

This Is Your Chance To Get The
Same System I Used To Scale And
Sell A 7-Figure Cloud Accounting
Firm That Didn’t Require Me To
Work Nights Or Weekends

Get Access To Future Firm Accelerate Now


What makes this different from other programs / courses?

As I see it, the main difference is that I have actually been in your shoes.

I know what it takes to build a firm that generates substantial revenue – without requiring you to work nights or weekends.

I started a cloud accounting firm in 2013, scaled it to multiple 7 figures, and then sold it to a large multinational corporation in 2018.

I learned a lot of painful lessons along the way. And Future Firm Accelerate is the distillation of those lessons – so you don’t have to struggle through them the same way I did.

On top of that, since I’ve been a firm owner before – I know the pressure and stress you are under. And I’ve designed the program to make it as easy as possible for you to implement.

That’s why I’ve included as many templates, scripts, frameworks, etc., as possible. That way, you don’t have to spend too much time learning concepts or theory.

You can just take what’s in the program, implement it, and start seeing results quickly.

Will this work for my firm?

The content in Future Firm Accelerate works for firms of any size.

We have members who are in the process of starting their firms…

As well as members whose firms are bringing in 8 figures per year.

No matter what size your firm is, or what size you’d like to be – you’ll find that the material in Future Firm Accelerate applies directly to the work you do every day in your firm.

If you’re just starting out – this program is right for you.

And if you’ve been running your firm for decades – this program is right for you.

Do I need to be a CPA to join?


Future Firm Accelerate works for CPAs, non-CPAs, solo owners, bookkeepers… anyone who offers accounting, tax, bookkeeping, or some version of those services.

When does the program start?

Whenever you want it to. 🙂

Future Firm Accelerate is a self-paced program, so you can go through the lessons, join the calls, and post in the forum whenever it’s convenient for you.

When do I get access?

As soon as you sign up you’ll have instant access.

What are the differences between the Essential, Premium, and Premium+ plans?

The Essential Plan is our most affordable option.

With the Essential Plan, you get access to all of the content, community, and coaching in Future Firm Accelerate.

I’d recommend the Essential Plan if you want my step-by-step playbook for building an “autopilot” firm that can run without you…

And you do NOT want extra peer support / accountability for implementing the material.

The Premium Plan is our “middle-tier” option.

With the Premium Plan, you get access to everything in the Essential Plan…

Plus the ability to join a Progress Pod to hold you accountable (this is a small mastermind group of 5-6 firm owners with similar revenue, team size, and goals as yours)…

And access to coaching from the Ryan Lazanis AI Clone we’re developing.

(This is an AI chatbot trained on the playbook material in Future Firm Accelerate. You’ll be able to chat with it and get coaching on specific situations in your firm.)

I’d recommend the Premium Plan if you want my step-by-step playbook for building an “autopilot” firm that can run without you…

AND you DO want added accountability & support to make sure you implement the material and make progress more quickly.

The Premium+ Plan is our top-tier plan.

With the Premium+ Plan, you get access to everything in the Premium Plan…

Plus 1-on-1 private coaching with unlimited direct messaging.

(To be clear, this is with a real-life coach — not the AI version of me 😉)

I’d recommend the Premium+ Plan if you want personalized, in-depth coaching, so you can make progress as fast as possible.

How can I cancel?

You can cancel directly within your account whenever you want. No questions asked.

What if I’m too busy right now?

Future Firm Accelerate was created for busy firm owners. In fact…

If you’re busy, then you’re likely the perfect candidate for Future Firm Accelerate. Odds are, you’re busy because your firm doesn’t have systems in place to reduce your workload.

The program shows you how to systematize and standardize your business to decrease your workload and increase the amount of free time you have.

But beyond that — the community forum and the monthly AMA calls allow you to get quick feedback on whatever challenge you’re facing.

So even if you don’t have time to go through the course material, you can still post in the forum or join the AMA calls and get timely feedback from other members and me. 🙂

Asking your question — whether in the forum or on an AMA call — only takes a minute.

So no matter how busy you are, you can still get expert guidance with just a few minutes per week.

How long does the program take to run through?

This varies from person to person. It’s possible to breeze through all the content in a day or two, but others may want to take the time to actually think through the program and apply the material.

Does it matter where I’m located?

Future Firm Accelerate is an international program. It skews slightly to the North American market — but we have members on every continent… except Antarctica. 🙂

I’m just starting out. Will this work for me?


There are many members in the program who are just starting their firm or close to starting their firm and who want to have the right plan and fundamentals in place in order to hit the ground running.

And because you’re starting your firm the right way by using this program, you’ll avoid countless mistakes and headaches that most new firm owners have to deal with.

On top of that…

You’ll be able to make progress faster than other firm owners too – allowing you to reach your ideal lifestyle faster than you ever thought possible.

What if I don’t want to scale my firm?

Scaling does NOT mean you need to become a massive operation…

It just means you want an “easy” business that runs like clockwork — regardless of your level of involvement.


Future Firm Accelerate is for any firm owner who wants to scale back their hours, while still running a successful firm, so they can enjoy their ideal lifestyle.

… and for any firm owner who wants to learn from someone who has actually accomplished that themselves.

In Future Firm Accelerate, you’re discovering the step-by-step system I used to build a firm that earned enough to support my ideal lifestyle – while still allowing me the freedom to enjoy my nights and weekends.

So it’s okay if you don’t want to scale. But you don’t need to figure this out on your own. I can give you the shortcut.

Can I join later?

Sure. The program is always open. Join when you like. But, a word of caution:

For many firm owners, “I’ll join later” often becomes:

“I got too busy and never ended up joining.”

… which really means:

“I spent years running a firm that drained the life from me. So I ended up missing out on so much of life that I wish I could get back.”

You know there’s an issue with your firm… which is why you made it so far down this page.

And you also probably know this issue won’t go away on its own.

If you keep putting it off…

You risk losing months – even years – of wasted time and potential that you’ll never be able to get back.

If you’re waiting for the “perfect” time – it won’t magically appear.

It’s up to you to decide when achieving your goals – and getting the lifestyle you deserve – is worth it.

I can’t make that decision for you. But I can share a quote that feels relevant here:

“6 months from now, you’ll wish you started today.”

Outside of that, you should know that we regularly increase the price for new members.

But the moment you join – you are “grandfathered in” at that rate forever.

So if you join today, you will never pay more than the advertised price.

This seems like hype. I’m not sure I believe it.

As accountants, we’re trained to be professionally skeptical. So I appreciate that skepticism. 🙂

If you’re not ready to join the program yet, that’s okay.

Join my email newsletter if you haven’t already. And see if you find my free content valuable.

If so, you’ll likely find the material in Future Firm Accelerate to be infinitely more tactical, actionable, and relevant to your firm.

But if not – you can unsubscribe whenever you like and never hear from me again. No harm. No foul.

This seems a little expensive. Is this really worth it?

Typically, I find that firm owners with this type of thinking are only considering cost – not ROI.

Consider Matthew’s experience:

If your firm could bring in an extra $24,000 this year… and all you had to do was pay your membership to Future Firm Accelerate…

Would that be worth it to you?

That’s your decision to make. But when you have access to the information in Future Firm Accelerate…

You have everything you need to earn significantly more each month than the amount of your membership.

On top of that, consider everything you’re getting when you join today:

  • Future Firm Accelerate Playbook: Courses & Templates To Build An “Autopilot” Firm
  • Live Monthly AMA Calls With Me
  • Community Forums With 750+ Members & New Posts Daily
  • Advice & Feedback From Experts In The Forums
  • Mini Lessons To Help You Save Time, Boost Revenue, And Get More Leads
  • Member Directory Map To Connect Directly With Firm Owners Like You
  • Benchmarking Tool To Compare Your Firm’s Metrics To Your Peers
  • Quarterly Expert Workshops
  • Monthly Marketing Packs To Get More Leads With Less Effort
  • Stress-Free Busy Season System To Eliminate Tax Season Overtime
  • Exclusive Discounts On Popular Vendors
  • Bonus Tools, Resources, & Social Groups

… and consider that you can cancel any time, directly from your membership dashboard. You’re never locked into anything.

And if you decide within the first 30 days that the program isn’t for you, all you have to do is send us one email, and we’ll quickly issue a full 100% refund.

What kind of access do I get to Ryan? Will I be able to ask him questions?

If you join the Essential or Premium Plan, you’ll be able to ask me questions in the Community Forums and the Monthly AMA Calls.

I am active in the forums, so the odds are good you’ll get a response – but I can’t guarantee it, because I have to prioritize 1-on-1 coaching for our Premium+ Plan members.

Do you recommend a specific tech stack in the program?

There are certain tools I recommend in the program. And our members often provide recommendations to each other…

But my main focus is not tech or automations.

My focus is to teach you a proven and repeatable system that can help you scale your firm – while still enjoying your free time – regardless of which tech stack you’re using.

Does the program help with marketing?


The program contains multiple lessons on marketing strategies you can use to consistently bring new leads into your business.

On top of that, you’ll also get access to our Monthly Marketing Packs when you join – which give you copy-and-paste templates you can use to bring in more leads and sales in just 30 minutes per week.

These packs contain pre-built email marketing content and templates you can copy-and-paste into your business to make marketing as fast and easy as possible for you.

Do you include information on recruitment?


When you join, you’ll get instant access to my 10-step recruitment process – which walks you, step-by-step, through the entire process of attracting, interviewing, and hiring the best possible candidates for your firm.

This includes job posting templates, interview scripts, and even an employment agreement template.

Do you talk about advisory services at all?

Yes. We have quite a few members offering highly-profitable vCFO services to their clients.

And the program contains an entire module on how to offer scalable virtual CFO services. It includes:

  • The 4 crucial requirements for offering effective virtual CFO services
  • How to quickly identify clients who desperately need (and will pay well for) your virtual CFO services
  • When NOT to offer virtual CFO services
  • How to set service boundaries and eliminate delivery bottlenecks for maximum efficiency
  • The hidden connection between employee retention and advisory services
  • The top apps that can help you deliver virtual CFO services (plus, whether they’re really necessary or not)
  • The critical questions you NEED to ask during the client discovery process to tailor your service offerings for maximum impact (and profitability)
  • How to protect your scope, time, and profits with clear service terms that leave no room for misunderstandings or disappointments

My Private Clients Used To Invest $5,000/Month For 1-On-1 Coaching With Me. But With Future Firm Accelerate, You Can Get The Same Information For A Fraction Of The Price.

Get Access To Future Firm Accelerate Now